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Gyanshaala Spoken English Coaching And Activity Center .

अंग्रेजी भाषा में दस लाख शब्द हैं , ग्रामर के नियम और अपार साहित्य भी है। शब्दावली भाषा का एक सबसे महत्वपूर्ण भाग है ।
‘’Gyanshaala English Coaching’’
अब स्वयं,अंग्रेजी की प्रेक्टिस करें और उसे सुधारे अपने आप । गूगल बॉक्स में www.360reading.in टाइप करें-फिर www.360reading.in का लिंक ओपन करें । स्क्रीन के दाहिने तरफ दिख रहे ‘’मेनू’’ बार को प्रेस करें (बटन को हलके दबाएं ) उसमे English Learning 1 के भाग में इंग्लिश सीखने की विधि '' १ ,2 पढ़ें , उसके बाद noun फिर gender पढ़े, इस तरह एक-एक कर नीचे के टॉपिक को पढ़े व अभ्यास करें, समस्या आने पर 8439585375 कॉल करें । English Learning 2, English Learning 3 से प्रेक्टिस करें, साथ में conversation ,short notes भी देखें । अपने खाली समय में अंग्रेजी बेहतर करें । आसान वाक्यों व आकर्षक चित्रों से सीखें । अंग्रेजी में संवाद करने हेतु अनेक उदाहरण उपलब्ध । पर्सनाल्टी डेवलपमेन्ट के लिए भी अनेक लेख उपलब्ध , अवश्य लाभ उठायें । शब्दावली यानी (वोकेबुलरी) बनाने का प्राकृतिक तरीका है किताबें पढ़ना । जिसकी वोकेबुलरी ' जितनी अच्छी और गहरी होगी उसे अंग्रेजी सीखने और समझने में उतनी आसानी होगी । विवध और मनोरंजक किताबें पढ़ने से यह आश्चर्यजनक रूप से बढ़ती है । आपकी पसंद और समझ अनुसार सारी किताबें हमने ज्ञानशाला इंग्लिश सेण्टर में उपलब्ध कराईं हैं और इस बाबत आपको हम उचित मार्गदर्शन देते हैं ।

What is a reading habit ?

Reading books, Articles Of healthy  Entertainment/ Knowledge  .

Welcome to Gyanshaala

The English language has nearly one million words, grammar rules, and an immense literature. Vocabulary is one of the most important part of the language. Book Reading  is a natural way to build vocabulary as well as sentence construction . The better and deeper one’s vocabulary is, the easier it will be to learn and understand English. It increases wonderfully by reading varied and interesting books.

 Book reading habits should be developed at the right time.  Kids should add to their knowledge from books, other than school prescribed.

Reading books of healthy entertainment can be an alternative to excessive mobile/ tv usage.

Many students find it difficult to learn and understand school-prescribed books.  There are many students, who want to read quality books but don’t get an opportunity. Our center provides easy picture books and knowledge books on various topics for students to read. Those who have been unable to continue their studies can also get back at learning through this method. 

Start Reading books & make reading a Habit

How to use the website and self practice English.

Check the topics in English Learning  1,2,3

Start practising in the descending order from English Learning1 

Nouns, article, verbs,  ………..Pronoun

Then practice from English Learning 2&3.

Simple present tense till preposition .


Practice sentence construction from the sentences .The method to do that is mentioned in adjectives and pronoun articles.

Make sentences on new words also.

Poor is an adjective, poorly is an adverb while poverty/poorness is an abstract noun.

Intelligent, intelligence, intelligently.

Notice the difference in each word. Such words need to be practiced .

I have asked to make short sentences in the beginning to avoid making mistakes. A word of caution ,many students translate long Hindi sentences using Google translate. Even translate is not 100%percent accurate . It  needs  the sentence to be framed properly. Good understanding of the language is essential to take full advantage of the available technology.

If you want to further improve on your language and grammar skills ,I have suggested to practice from other publication books which is mentioned in ‘’Angrejee ko aasan kaise banaaye’’.The books mentioned are ideal for self practice.

Reading the vast Literature available in English and thus gaining in knowledge is the main benefit of studying this language. How to do this, and other beneficial articles are mentioned below & in ‘’Gyaanstambh’’ section.

I find great pleasure in presenting this self study, picture based e-book. Hope you benefit from it as others have.

Students can take printed copy of nouns, pronouns and other topics. This way they can choose their time to read the content and practice it.  

Spoken English practice.

It is advisable to start practicing on speech once you’ re familiar with 2-3 thousand sentences, and regularly used words. Our website has many of them.

How to Self practice free speech ?

Take a topic to speak. Make some 10-15 sentences on it. Then speak on it. One can also record his voice if possible and then check for mistakes. Practice until you speak  correctly.( In the beginning you can take help from our short notes section while choosing a topic.)

Find a friend to practice  sentences. This is important because you can forget what you learnt. Do a role-play with him on the conversation topics available in conversation section . You will grow in confidence.

Spoken English Practice  at the centre .

Free Speech, Role play, General Conversation practice, Word meaning, simple sentences.

Tips to increase vocabulary, Sentence practice, Self practicing-

 techniques, Importance of Reading & Comprehension.  

       Gyanshaala center aims  to provide healthy entertainment to students in the form of books and indoor games. We have variety of reading options targeting each age group .We want to give students an atmosphere, where they can read books, with out any pressure and thus develop a reading habit . Indoor games like chess,carrom are taught and provided to students to develop interest in indoor games.Our  goal is to ensure a place for students to relax and enjoy the pleasures of reading and playing indoor games at a low cost.

How to develop a reading habit and its benefits

The students are “taught to read books” and “indulge in reading as a daily activity”. Bereft of the pressure to perform or learn for the sake of exams, students enjoy reading books for the sheer pleasure of it. Knowledge thus, acquired helps them in the long run, it solidifies their language basics and develops an interest in “reading ” different kinds of books” not related to the syllabus . It also helps in improving their thinking ability and brings self-awareness,as they get to spend time with themselves. In modern times “Non targetted reading” is equally important , as it helps in self-learning news things.

At the centre, students are provided with catchy picture books with interesting information for a good read.

This program is especially beneficial for vernacular medium students, English medium students, and those who have poor knowledge of English.

Their enthusiasm is accentuated with games and other team-building activities. Their energy is channeled in a way to keep their focus on learning, and other useful activities.

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Address: Gyaanshaala Centre , 10A
New cantt rd Dehradun 248001

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